Quick thoughts on: Resident Evil: Revelations


Revelations is a rather interesting part of the Resident Evil series. On one hand, it does feel like a side-story, not part of the main series. On the other, it often plays more like what Resident Evil used to be, than the newest entries. It feels like a more focused and better put together game, than Resident Evil 6 (released same year). But at the same time, doesn’t evoke the same feelings, RE6 does, feels like designers lacked confidence and built the game by the checklist, not by their inner desires.
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Русский язык в Resident Evil: Damnation

Под продолжение создания своего Let’s Play Resident Evil 3 (к слову, прямо сейчас рендерится вариант без комментариев следующего эпизода, который будет полностью про Немесиса), и под регулярную в последнее время тусню со спидранами RE, решил наконец глянуть Resident Evil: Damnation – второй CGI фильм, который входит в основной канон игр. Этот фильм запускали фактически как пиар для Resident Evil 6, которая на консолях вышла буквально через месяц после фильма. И вот сейчас сеть полнится слухами о том, что в этом году могут наконец официально анонсировать Resident Evil 7 и совсем вот недавно сказали, что в следующем году так же выйдет Resident Evil: Vendetta – третий CGI фильм. Который во-первых, будет сделан в другом стиле, а во-вторых, впервые за столько лет, будет с участием Ребекки Чемберс. Учитывая, что и про RE7 слухи сейчас мол “возвращение к истокам хоррора”, вполне возможно, что и следующий фильм выпустят как большую полнометражную рекламу. Может, в следующий раз он даже будет достаточно интересным, а не просто забавным.

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Revisiting Resident Evil 4

I have a complicated history with Resident Evil 4. For a lot of people it was an instant hit, for me it was a frustrating experience. I didn’t “get” the appeal of the game for several years and only after several attempts, and because of the fact that the game influenced so many others, which gave me necessary experience to understand what it as going for, I started enjoying it. I still have plenty of criticism towards it, mind you, but nowadays replaying RE4 is an enjoyable experience for me. And I’ve replayed it many times over many different platforms, including this 2014 “Ultimate HD Edition”, which remains the best version of the game to play.

In fact, the main reason for my revisit this time was the fact that the version got even better due to fan work – I wanted to finally experience out the fantastic RE4HD mod, that more than lived up to my expectations. And in addition to that, wanted to have some fun with the recently released randomizer mod that adds some fun chaos to the overall experience. As I was about to play, the RE4 Remake got officially announced as well, so I decided that it might be the best time to revisit the original. And even in 2022 it’s still an extremely fun game… that really hates you.

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Thoughts on: Resident Evil 7. Gold Edition. The DLCs

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard has been a fantastic opener for 2017 – a proper, if not the best possible, return of the real survival horror (and not horror+something games that love to misgenre themselves). I rarely replay modern titles, but I replayed RE7 at least 5 times right after completing it for the first time. So, I was unsurprisingly excited for more RE7: there were 2 mini-DLC packs announced and 2 bigger stories, one paid and one free. And after multiple delays, we got the Gold Edition of the game with all this content on top of the main game just earlier this week. Still no VR support for PC, though, so there will be more updates, but content-wise, we probably will not get any more major additions or updates. Is the paid DLC worth the upgrade price?

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Видео по Resident Evil 3

Просто небольшой анонс – я уже много лет хотел забацать летсплей некоторых из своих самых любимых игр, о которых есть что рассказать и показать, но постоянно стеснялся или не мог найти нормальной мотивации. По некоторым причинам, о которых я позже тоже напишу, я сейчас решил плюнуть на все проблемы и сделать полноценный летсплей по Resident Evil 3: Nemesis/Biohazard 3: Last escape так, как я больше всего летсплеи люблю – с акцентом на то, чтобы показать и рассказать об игре почти всё, что возможно. Я уже записал немало видео для этого и если всё пойдёт окей, достаточно скоро начну выкладывать готовые эпизоды в таком формате – на блоге в оригинальном разрешении/качестве с тремя аудиотреками на выбор (комментарии от меня на английском, на русском и нетронутое аудио игры), и на YouTube в двух языках комментариев и с апскейлом, чтобы YT не сильно портил картинку. Надеюсь, всё получится и будет интересно:3

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Dear Dan. Talking with Dan Pinchbeck. Part 2

Dan Pinchbeck talk with Klarden

(original photo here)

And now, the second part of my talk with Dan Pinchbeck. We talk about the game pricing, strange “price per hour” concept in game pricing, influence of indie bundles and steam on game sales, popularity of Kickstarter, greatness of Indie Fund and wish for there to be something “in the middle”, the concept of franchises made by several small indie companies as a level up from modding scene, Dan’s fondness of soviet and post-soviet science-fiction and videogames and difficulties of going from a mod or a free game to the commercial release.

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Few notes on: Videogame music 2019

It’s a bit of a shame, but 2019 didn’t seem to be as standout in terms of videogame music to me as I was hoping it would be. Still, there were some amazing tunes that need to be mentioned and given their due. As usual, I’m not covering the music to the titles I’ve not played and don’t know much about, but will mention several soundtracks to games that I’ve not yet played but plan to when I have more time. I know, you know, everybody everyone let’s go.

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Few notes on: Videogame music 2020

I had relatively high hopes for the music in games of last year, but it ended up being a bit disappointing. Which, I suppose, is par for the course for 2020. But some remasters and re-releases have sweetened the deal, while the rest of the games that I have played since the last time I did this sort of post have improved the situation even further. As a result, I did get to enjoy some nice memorable videogame tunes during this past year.

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O tempora: Alone in the Dark 1, 2, 3

O tempora is a series of retrospective posts where I play games from ages before to see if they stood the test of time.

It’s been a while since I’ve last played any Alone in the Dark game. I admired the original and genuinely liked the 2008 game despite all of its numerous flaws. My favorite one was the first reboot, Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare. But the original still had that “something” about it that I really liked. Not the sequels, however. But for the sake of revisiting every game, I decided against my better judgement to play all of the first three Alone in the Dark games, knowing well that I will not enjoy the two thirds of the journey.

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